30 Seconds to Beat HIV?

30 Seconds to Beat HIV” is a new animation to encourage opt-out HIV testing in Primary and Secondary Health Care.



In the last 10 years there’s been a REVOLUTION in HIV testing and treatment. Treatment is now so effective that people with HIV can live long and healthy lives without fear of ever passing the virus on. In the UK it is estimated there are 4,400 people living with HIV who are not yet diagnosed. If we can identify these last few thousand people, we can stop new transmissions altogether and bring the epidemic to a close. But only if people know their HIV status. This new animation made by the Martin Fisher Foundation in Brighton & Hove describes how easy it is to offer HIV testing to everyone having a routine blood test with barely any impact on consultation time. When trialed in Brighton during 2022/23 very few patients were concerned by the offer of an HIV test and almost all agreed to a test.

The animation is for all Primary and Secondary Health Care providers in the UK who routinely take bloods. Any area can follow this example and play a part in the initiative to reach zero new HIV diagnoses. The animation is free to use for training and educational programmes, on information screens, as part of social media messaging, across healthcare services and on public information websites. The Martin Fisher Foundation is asking all health care teams to share it with their professional and personal networks and to get in touch to learn more about their experience [email protected]

30 Seconds to Beat HIV takes just 2 minutes and 40 seconds to up-date people’s knowledge around HIV. As well as aiming to increase testing coverage, it will go some way to tackling HIV related stigma. By driving improvements in the quality of HIV prevention responses this project aims to increase motivation and momentum as the UK approaches the metaphorical finishing line for ending new HIV transmissions.

The animation is narrated by Professor Chris Van Tulleken and was funded by an educational grant via the Gilead UK and Ireland Fellowship Programme.

The Martin Fisher Foundation is a Brighton (UK) based charity, is a partnership of clinicians, community reps and people living with HIV. Our aim is to ensure organisations across the city work collaboratively and unite in support of shared HIV prevention goals. This unique community/clinical engagement provides a cohesive framework to develop services for vulnerable groups. Our overarching aim is to end new HIV transmissions and eliminate HIV stigma. Our X (formerly known as Twitter) address is @MartinFisherFo1

Creative Connection Animation Studios are specialists in creating short films for the health, medical and social care sectors, charities, health and safety departments, and anyone else that needs informative communications with a personal touch. They have a team of world-class artists, animators, scriptwriters and editors with a strong track record of translating complex ideas into simple messages through animation – “Our animations can explain anything to anyone”.