The first international Zero HIV Stigma Day


Friday 21 July was the first international Zero HIV Stigma Day!!

A massive thankyou to everyone who was involved in the planning and delivery of Zero HIV Stigma Day on 21st July in Jubilee Square – Lunch Positive, Ledward Centre, Terence Higgins Trust, More to me than HIV, Brighton and Hove Buses, Sussex Beacon, Mary O’Kart, Lloyd Russell Moyle, Simon Maddrell, Simon Pepper Photography, Brighton and Hove Council, Bruno De Oliveira, Leslie Pumm, Rainbow Chorus, Angelina Namiba and Charity Nyirenda – Co-authors of Our Stories Told by Us -Celebrating the African contribution to the UK HIV response, Security team, HIV Community team, Radio Reverb – HIV Hour team, Brighton and Hove Library team, Arcobaleno, Brighton Fringe, Lawson Unit and University Hospitals Sussex.


Full details of the event can be found here:  ZERO HIV Stigma day – The Martin Fisher Foundation