Application for research grants now open

The Martin Fisher Foundation (MFF) are offering an exciting opportunity to apply for research or improvement funds (up to a maximum of £10,000) for local projects in-line with MFF goals:

- Increasing access to HIV testing
- Support of innovation in HIV prevention and care
- Advancing public awareness of HIV to reduce stigma
- Reducing new HIV infections and deaths from HIV-related illness
- Improving the quality of life for people living with HIV


The Martin Fisher Foundation was established in 2015 to commemorate the life and work of Professor Martin Fisher. Our vision was to reduce HIV transmission by increasing HIV testing in key populations, improve HIV knowledge, increase the availability of PrEP and reduce HIV stigma.  Through a coordinated city-wide approach much progress has been made and there is optimism across the sector that we will achieve the 2030 targets of zero new HIV transmissions, zero HIV related deaths and zero HIV stigma. To maintain momentum and reach those goals we need to engage with communities across Brighton & Hove and explore new ways of working together. We are looking to support grassroot projects which if successful we can help disseminate and roll out to other areas in the UK through our HIV Fast Track City links.

The next phase for the Foundation is to use our resources to support innovation and research across the city and promote the next generation of researchers in Brighton & Hove. Through a small research grant structure, we will maintain the original vision and objectives of the Foundation whilst driving improvements in the quality of the HIV prevention response. This is particularly important as traditional funding streams at national and local levels diminish due to the mistaken belief that HIV is ‘under control’. We need a final push to advance public awareness and improve the quality of life for people living with HIV to reach our 2030 goals.


Who can apply

The awards are open to medical or non-medical researchers working in the field of HIV locally in any capacity that will contribute to reducing HIV Stigma, increasing knowledge across diverse populations and improving the quality of life for people living with HIV in Brighton and Hove.

MFF wishes to fund research, improvement and service development projects up to a maximum of £10,000 over 1-2 years in the Brighton and Hove area.

Before completing this application form for funding please read the following conditions which should be met before applications are considered.

1. The following fields of research and innovation will be considered in relation to HIV:
- Increasing access to HIV testing
- Support of innovation in HIV prevention and care
- Advancing public awareness of HIV to reduce stigma
- Reducing new HIV infections and deaths from HIV-related illness
- Improving the quality of life for people living with HIV

2. Applicants from NHS or universities in Brighton will be considered. Applicants from non-NHS and non-academic settings in Brighton and Hove will also be considered.

3. Applicants should ensure that sponsorship of the project, including adherence to the NHS Research Governance Guidelines, is provided by the host institution.

4. Applications should not exceed £10,000.

5. Detailed justification for costs should be made on the application form.

6. Overhead costs be should be limited to 15% of salary costs within any proposal.

7. Funding will be paid quarterly in arrears dependent on satisfactory progress.

8. Publication of any research funded by MFF must acknowledge MFF as a funder.

Applications will be reviewed by the trustees of MFF together with appropriate external expert reviewers and more detailed information maybe requested if appropriate following review of the preliminary application.


Click here to apply or scan the QR code below