New vending machine at Jubilee Library – free STI and HIV tests!

The Martin Fisher Foundation and University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust has launched three new Sexual Health and HIV vending machines. Friday 18th June 2021 saw the first one at the The Jubilee Library, Brighton and in the next week there will be one machine at Portland Road, Hove between Wish Park Surgery and Kamson Pharmacy and a further one at the Wellsbourne Centre, Whitehawk.

The Sexual Health kits contain swabs and blood sampling equipment which will be tested for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV when returned through the post to the Sexual Health Clinic. The HIV self-tests are extremely accurate (99.7%) and by using a single drop of blood, give a result in just 15 minutes.

The kits are for people without symptoms who want to check their sexual health or HIV status. Brighton & Hove is a HIV Fast Track City which means we’re working together to STOP all new cases of HIV by 2030. For this to happen everyone at risk of HIV needs to take an HIV test and be aware of their HIV status. Having testing kits freely and more readily available will help us achieve this goal.


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