Update on the Martin Fisher Foundation EmERGE Digital Project!

EmERGE mHealth Limited is a not-for-profit company formed to deliver a sustainable patient-clinic communication tool in the treatment and care of people living with HIV following a successful five year European Union funded Horizon 2020 research project (Grant No. 643736). The EmERGE project enabled HIV clinicians and people who live with HIV to co-design a … Read more

EmERGE project and the Martin Fisher Foundation Bus October 2019

EmERGE project and the Martin Fisher Foundation Bus October 2019

Researchers advance digital health through European Consortium. An international partnership of clinicians, social scientists, technology developers and HIV community activists met in Brighton in October for their penultimate consortium meeting. The University of Brighton leads two crucial aspects of the European Commission funded EmERGE project. Researchers from the Centre for Digital Media Cultures – Professor … Read more

The Martin Fisher Foundation Triathlon 2019

The Martin Fisher Foundation swimmers Brighton Triathlon 2019

  What an amazingly sunny day we for the fourth Brighton and Hove Triathlon on 15th September 2019. The Martin Fisher Foundation was represented by 8 teams in the Sprint Relay and one team in the Olympic Relay and placed second in each Relay! Our swimmers swam 750m in open sea, our cyclists pedalled for … Read more

Have you heard about the Martin Fisher Foundation Bus?

The Martin Fisher Foundation would like to thank everyone for coming to the bus launch and the media coverage. Read more about the bus here. The first HIV themed bus in Brighton & Hove and the UK.    

The Arrival of the Martin Fisher Foundation Bus!

On Saturday 5th October we launched the Martin Fisher Foundation Bus at Hove Lawns, Brighton and Hove. This is the first ever HIV themed public information bus in the UK and possibly worldwide. Over 67 million people travel on the buses in a year in Brighton and Hove and they will get to read up … Read more

The Martin Fisher Foundation walking with PRIDE!

For this year’s Brighton and Hove Pride Festival we choose for our charity the theme of tackling HIV stigma and the message that U=U. This means that someone with an undetectable HIV viral load (meaning they are on effective treatment that has completely suppressed the virus) cannot transmit the virus to their partner. Undetectable = Untransmittable! … Read more

The Martin Fisher Foundation Bus Launch!

The Martin Fisher Foundation bus designs. Inside panels

We are delighted that the Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company will be naming one of their buses after Professor Martin Fisher, an outstanding leader in the field of HIV Medicine who built a world class service here in Brighton. Everyone is invited to join the Martin Fisher Foundation for the celebration of the … Read more