An evolving project conceived by Martin Fisher… presented at national conference

The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV was formed in 2003 and aims to promote, encourage and improve the study and practice of diagnosing, treating and managing sexually transmitted infections, HIV and other sexual health problems.

The 2022 BASHH conference was held in Sheffield, and one of the amazing presentations focused on the findings from a study evaluating the PrEP EmERGE mobile app.
PrEP EmERGE is a co-designed and co-produced digital health platform supporting PrEP management, and built upon the principles of the original EmERGE project – a project conceived by Professor Martin Fisher.     See more info on EmERGE and PrEP EmERGE here

PrEP EmERGE gives users access to a digital health pathway, including access to results via a mobile app, appointment details, medication information, common PrEP FAQs, an adherence diary (including daily reminders), and a messaging system allowing messages to be sent directly to individual users.

The project was the first usability and acceptable evaluation of the PrEP EmERGE app, and aimed to provide evidence and an iterative approached to future developments and updates. The project suggests the app is highly usable and acceptable to users, and has helped clinics manage the growing demand for HIV-PrEP in Brighton. The evaluation was completed by Colly Fitzpatrick (HIV Nurse Specialist at The Lawson Unit, and Trustee of the Martin Fisher Foundation) as part of an NIHR-funded Master of Research (MRes) degree through the University of Brighton, and presented at BASHH by Professor Daniel Richardson. The project was co-authored by Jenny Whetham, Nigel Sherriff and Daniel Richardson, and has been submitted to a leading UK journal with an aim to be published later this year!!  (details to follow)

Congratulations to you all!!!