Donate / Get involved

We need your help! Become a supporter today!

How your donation helps

The Martin Fisher Foundation is making a major difference in Brighton & Hove as well as nationally. We require funding to roll out more digital vending machines, take innovative HIV testing to GP practices, to extend our work in decreasing stigma for people living with HIV and creating more resources for educating the public around HIV.


There are a number of way you can help the charity raise vital funds…  from one-off / regular donations – or even turning your everyday shopping into donations!!!



Bank Transfer

Sort: 23-05-80
Account: 25121163

“The Martin Fisher Foundation”


Paypal allows you to make a donation from your credit/debit card, or directly from your bank account.   Click here to donate via paypal



You can make a one off gift or set up a monthly direct debit via this link: Go Fund Me


Easy Fundraising

Raise donations for The Martin Fisher Foundation whenever you shop online!!  Turn your everyday online shopping into FREE donations
Examples include:          Click here for more info




Text us

Simply text      MFF      to 70085 to donate £5.
Texts cost £5 plus one standard rate message



Sponsor us

Would your company/business be interested in sponsorship ?
We can provide leaflets, banners and come to talk to your workforce about HIV – please contact us.