The Martin Fisher Foundation receives a £4313.85 cheque from the Co-Op!!

Gill Dean receiving a cheque from the Co-op

Thanks to the Co-op Local Community Fund, the Martin Fisher Foundation received an incredible donation of £4313.85   The coop community fund scheme helps to support local causes, raising £100 Million to support local communities nationwide!! Information on the community fund scheme can be found at Thank you, co-op!!!!

Historic visit to Brighton by UNAIDS!!

A highly significant visit to Brighton & Hove took place on Thursday 9 September by Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS and an Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, in recognition of the city’s collective work on HIV prevention and treatment. Ms Byanyima leads the United Nations’ efforts to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 and is … Read more

Thank you to the Queen’s Arms, Brighton!

Queen's Arms

The Queen’s Arms, Brighton, very kindly donated £468.30 to the Martin Fisher Foundation!! Thank you so much for you generosity and kindness.     Don’t forget – if you want to make a donation there are a number of options: CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS Alternatively you can simply text       MFF to 70085 to … Read more

Brighton and Hove could help lead the way in eradicating HIV

Benjamin Shelley tests Caroline Luca

Brighton and Hove could help lead the way in eradicating new cases of HIV with a pilot project aimed at extending community testing. The aim would be to catch cases early, when treatment tends to be more effective and cheaper, and to eliminate new cases within 10 years. Responding to a letter by Brighton’s three … Read more

The new PrEP EmERGE app has launched!!

The EmERGE project was initiated by Professor Martin Fisher and follows his vision of ensuring that health innovations are clinically-led and co-owned with patient communities. The EmERGE team have facilitated a local co-design process and have adapted the EmERGE platform to support PrEP monitoring. Currently individuals using Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for the prevention of HIV transmission need to … Read more